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About Queen Bee's Alphabet Cookbook
Queen Bee's Alphabet Cookbook is an educational family-nutrition guide that will provide many years of service teaching the basics of English and nutrition to children and their families.
For babies and preschoolers it can be used as an alphabet picture-book, which helps imprint positive food values. The children's activities will expand their English skills and help them with colors, numbers, and reading. Older children learn cooking, safe kitchen skills and more!
This guide educates adults on nutrition and how to help their babies and children grow into lifelong healthy eaters. Adult family members are provided many ways to use it as a teaching tool for children of varying ages, making it useful for many years.
Want more? This educational guide also helps community food and literacy programs while it provides opportunities for quality family time. Queen Bee's Alphabet Cookbook is full of activities that families with children can enjoy, while helping everyone to be happier and healthier.

Library of Activities and Information
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